Monday, May 21, 2012

vCLI and esxcli Commands - Comparision with changes


For ESX/ESXi 4.1 and ESXi 5.0 some of the commands have changed from vicfg-* to esxcli. Some commands are in original state without any change in them.

To name a few vmware-cmd, vmkfstools, vifs,vicfg-authconfig, vicfg-cfgbackup etc. etc.

Following commands are few of them which are changed from ESX/ESXi 4.1 to ESXi 5.0

vCLI and ESXCLI Commands Examples

vicfg-advcfg                    esxcli system setting advanced

vicfg-dns                         esxcli network ip dns
vicfg-dumppart                esxcli system coredump
vicfg-iscsi                        esxcli iscsi
vicfg-module                   esxcli system module
vicfg-mpath                     esxcli storage core path
vicfg-mpath35                 esxcli storage core path
vicfg-nas                         esxcli storage nfs
vicfg-nics                        esxcli network nic
vicfg-rescan                    esxcli storage adapter rescan
vicfg-scsidevs                 esxcli storage core adapter
vicfg-syslog                    esxcli system syslog
vicfg-vmknic                   esxcli network interface .
vicfg-volume                   esxcli storage filesystem volume
vicfg-vswitch                   esxcli network vswitch
vihostupdate                    esxcli software vib

For more information and complete list, you can refer the table in this PDF file with examples of the above commands and how the solutions can be derived using them.

For the vCLI and RCLI commands please visit William's Lam's post.

And for enhancement in esxcli on vSphere 5 another post by him.


  1. Hi,

    The list you have regarding commands that need to run directly against an ESXi host is incorrect, such as ESXCLI which does support running against an ESXi host AS WELL as vCenter in vSphere 5.

    There is a detail table on page 15 which you link to. I would recommend pointing users to the document instead of copying/pasting part of the information.


  2. Hi William,

    Thanks for the clarification, I should exclude esxcli from the list which requires direct connection to ESXi and the PDF file has the link associated so let me know if it its not working.
