Sunday, July 8, 2012

All Free Courses offered by VMware Education !!

Now a days lot of companies have their various certifications in the market to compete others in the same area and VMware also has few new certifications released recently which includes VCAP5-DCD, VCP5-DT etc. for the Datacenter and Desktop streams.

Few others are in BETA stages such as VCAP5-DCA and VCP-IaaS right now and will become publicly available in future. The BETA Period is over by now for both exams so whomsoever willing to appear have to wait till it generally available.

The following list includes almost all the courses offered Free of Cost (self-paced) by VMware and the areas starts from vSphere Fundamentals, View, vShiled, vCenter Operations Manager, vCenter Chargeback, Site Recovery Manager, Virtualizing Tier 1 Databases such as SQL and Oracle and not limited to that but also included courses for the TC Server, GemFire, Groovy Grails, SpringSource, Hyperic (Companies acquired by VMware) etc. etc.

I have tried finding all the Free courses offered by VMware Education and if you find any course for which there is a cost involved then pleaes leave the feedback so that I can update the list accordingly.

These courses are very good for the person who never knew what vMware vSphere is or what ESX/ESXi server is. These courses are covering the starter level areas covering desktop products such as Workstation, Fusion, Lab manager, vSphere upto all at the advanced level areas such as vShiled, Tier 1 Database virtualization, View Design, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery etc. etc.

These courses are worth if one is preparing for any entry level certification like VCP to an advanced certification such as VCAP-DCD or VCAP-DCA for various tracks such as vSphere, View or IaaS (new upcoming first vCloud Certification).

vSphere 5.x and 4.1, SRM, DR/BC,Chargeback, Capacity IQ, AppSpeed,

• VMware vSphere What's New in 5.1

• VMware vSphere Fundamentals 4.1

• VMware vSphere: What's New in vSphere 4

• VMware vSphere: Resource Management Fundamentals

• VMware vSphere: Security Fundamentals

• VMware vSphere: Data Protection and Recovery Fundamentals

• VMware vCenter AppSpeed Fundamentals

• VMware vCenter CapacityIQ Fundamentals

• VMware vCenter Lab Manager 4.0 Fundamentals

• VMware vCenter Chargeback Fundamentals

• VMware vCenter Chargeback Fundamentals [v1.6]

• VMware vCenter Operations Manager Fundamentals [v5.x]

• VMware vCenter Configuration Manager Fundamentals [v5.x]

• Site Recovery Manager (SRM) Fundamentals

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Design 5.1 Fundamentals

• VMware vSphere: Transition to ESXi Essentials [V4.1]

Virtualizing SQL and Oracle Databases and Sharepoint

Virtualizing Microsoft SharePoint with VMware [V5.X]

Virtualizing Microsoft SQL Server with VMware

Virtualizing Oracle Database with VMware [V5.X]

vCloud, vShield, vCenter Chargeback, Configuration Manager

VMware vCloud Director Fundamentals [V1.5]

Introduction to the VMware Security Solution Fundamentals

VMware vShield Fundamentals [V5.X]

VMware vShield App Fundamentals [V5.X]

VMware vShield Data Security Fundamentals [V5.X]

VMware vShield Edge Fundamentals [V5.X]

VMware vShield Endpoint Fundamentals [V5.X]

VCP-IaaS signup sheet

VMware View and vCenter vCOPS

What's New in Vmware view v4.5

View Fundamentals

View Fundamentals [V5.0]

ThinApp Fundamentals

VMware vCenter Operations Manager Fundamentals [V5.X]

Desktop Products - Workstation and Fusion

• VMware Workstation 7: Fundamentals

• VMware Workstation 7: Advanced

• VMware Fusion 3

SpringSource has their own certifications as follows about which you can find out more information by visiting

1) Springsource Certified Spring Professional
2) Springsource Certified Spring WebApplication Developer
3) Springsource Certified Spring Enterprise Integration Specialist

TC, Gemfire, vFabric, SpringSource, Groovy Grails,

vFabric GemFire Essentials  [114441]

vFabric TC Server Essentials  [114442]

vFabric Hyperic Essentials  [99416]

Developing Aspects with AOP
Key learning points:
- Introduction to AOP
- What problem does AOP solve
- The Spring AOP approach
- Defining pointcuts
- Implementing advice

OSGi and Modular Applications
Key learning points:
  • Learn about the basics of OSGi and how it provides a modular, dynamic environment for your applications
  • Learn how Spring Dynamic Modules allows to you to apply the familiar Spring programming model to your OSGi-based applications
  • Learn how the SpringSource dm Server enables you to build Enterprise Java applications that can benefit from OSGi’s features on the server-side
  • Learn about OSGi and Spring-DM best practices
  • Learn about options and best practices for applying modularization to your own applications
  • Metaprogramming Techniques With Groovy
  • Metaprogramming Hooks
  • ExpandoMetaClass
  • Intercept, Cache and Invoke

Core Spring
Course Objectives covers
  • Use the Spring Framework to develop Java applications
  • Use dependency injection to set up and configure applications
  • Test Spring-based applications
  • Set up Spring configuration using XML, annotations, and Java configuration
  • Use Hibernate and JDBC with Spring to access relational databases
  • Use Spring support for transactions
  • Use aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to add behavior to objects
  • Develop a basic Web application with Spring MVC
  • Use Spring Security to secure Web applications
  • Use Spring with RMI, HttpInvoker, and JMS for remote communication
  • Add management with the JMX API

Enterprise Integration with Spring Training

You will learn:
  • How to design and implement asynchronous, event-driven, message-oriented systems with Spring JMS
  • How to use Spring Integration to implement Hohpe and Woolf's Enterprise Integration Patterns
  • How to cut through hype and understand 'buzzword' topics including SOA, ESB, and REST from first principles
  • How to design for concurrency using the latest from Spring and java.util.concurrent
  • How to optimize performance across integration boundaries
Rich Web Applications with Spring Training
You will learn:
  • Learn to create professional Ajax user interfaces with Spring JavaScript
  • Learn to design and implement stateful application transactions with Spring Web Flow 2
  • Learn to secure web applications effectively with Spring Security 2
  • Learn to get the most out of Ajax toolkits such as the Dojo Toolkit in your application
  • Learn to integrate JSF into your application with Spring Faces

I hope you will find these courses useful for your own study purpose and also to educate a person who is new to VMware virtualization. If you see any other courses which is not in the list above then please notify me or leave a feedback on the post and I will update the post.

For all the certification requirements and other necessary courses required for the ceritfications do visit the certification site and the training site

Good luck and enjoy the ride of VMware Virtualization !!